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Namreeta Kumari

PhD: University of Delhi (ongoing)

Areas of Research : Gender Studies, Surrogate Motherhood, Autonomy and agency

Namreeta Kumari is pursuing her Doctoral Research, “Surrogate Motherhood: A Comparative Study of Gujarat and Delhi”, explores the autonomy of women who act of surrogate mothers. Her research is an interdisciplinary research which uses reproductive justice framework to understand the practice of commercial surrogacy in India. She is interested in gender studies and her area of interest lies in comprehending power structures which oppresses women in myriad ways.

Her areas of research and specialisation include gender studies and a critical engagement with discourse of autonomy and agency. She is interested in discourses of reproductive technologies and ART’s, reproductive rights of women and reproductive justice.

She has presented her work at various seminars and conferences and the latest being at LSA 2019 Annual Meeting at Washington DC, in May. She has a chapter in an edited book “Introduction to the Comparative Government and Politics”, 2017. Her forthcoming chapter is an edited book, “Gender, Identity and Migration in India”, Palgrave Macmillan.